Comparison Between Quick Sort & Merge sort
When to use What??
Merge Sort requires an auxiliary array to support the sorting process. The sorted sub-arrays are merged using a temporary array which is then used to replace the elements in the original array at the end of the merge operation. At the same time, it produces T(n) = irrespective of the input instance.
Merge sort is stable, (i.e) relative ordering of equal valued elements are maintained after the sorting process. Merge procedure can be applied for external sorting (Wherein the array does not fit in the main memory completely)
Quick Sort does not require auxiliary space and its worst case scenario can be avoided using randomized Quick sort . Hence, it is preferred more than merge sort in many applications. Quick sort is not stable as the ordering of equal elements are not preserved. Since, Quick sort is a tail recursive procedure, tail level optimizations are carried out making it much faster than the merge sort.
C++ STL (Standard Template library) offers sort() method which adopts introsort, (hybrid sorting algorithm); combination of both Quick Sort and Heap Sort. It applies Quick sort and when the recursion depth exceeds a certain value, it switches to heap sort.
Test Your Understanding:
You have to sort 1 GB of data with only 100 MB of available main memory. Which sorting technique will be most appropriate? [Merge procedure can be applied on sorted sub-arrays which produces final sorted array in O(n)]
In a modified merge sort, the input array is splitted at a position one-third of the length(N) of the array. Provide the tightest upper bound on time complexity of this modified Merge Sort.[ recurrence relation is given by Hence, T(n) = ]
A list of n string, each of length n, is sorted into lexicographic order using the merge-sort algorithm. What will be the worst case running time of this computation? [ ]
What is the best sorting algorithm to use for the elements in array are more than 1 million in general? [Quick Sort]
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